France’s committement for a fair and sustainable world

France at the World Trade Organization

The goal of the World Trade Organization is to promote employment and sustainable development through trade. It has three main functions:

  • The negotiation of international trade rules
  • The implementation of these rules by its members
  • A mechanism for the legal settlement of disputes

The WTO guarantees the foundation of global commercial law by ensuring the application of fundamental principles:

  • Non-discrimination: each country must treat others equally ("most-favored-nation clause")
  • Transparency: each country decides sovereignly on its public policies but can not practice "disguised protectionism"
  • Equality: Small and large powers are treated in the same way.

France supports the multilateral system based on the WTO, which is essential to ensure compliance with common rules and to maintain fair competition between trading partners.

By actively participating in the dispute settlement process and monitoring protectionist practices, France and the EU are defending companies against unfair practices, in order to preserve the conditions for fair competition in international trade.

France at the International Labour Organization

Born in 1919 and founded by the French trade unionist Mr. Albert THOMAS, the International Labor Organization (ILO) brings together representatives of governments, employers and workers, in a joint action to protect and promote human rights at work.

France is a long-time partner of ILO:

  • Since its creation, the International Labor Office has been run for 28 years by a French citizen (Albert THOMAS, 1919-1932, Francis BLANCHARD, 1974-1989).
  • France has promoted fundamental principles and rights at work around the world: it has been very active in supporting the adoption of new labor standards since their inception.
  • As part of its G7 presidency this year, France has supported the ILO’s key role for a fair globalization. The ILO is fully associated with the work of the Social G7.

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Last updated on: 5 August 2019